Issue Position: Protecting Taxpayers

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018
Issues: Taxes

As a Councilman for the City of Naperville since 2005 Grant has championed limited government and voted repeatedly to decrease the financial burden government places on all of us. During the Great Recession Naperville residents and businesses saw their City of Naperville portion of their real estate taxes decrease for three straight years.

The 67 percent income tax that was passed in 2011 by the Illinois General Assembly is scheduled to expire in 2015. Grant supports letting this tax expire and letting taxpayers decide on what to do with their savings. These savings are about equal to one week's salary for every working man and woman. Grant is opposed to the implementation of a progressive tax structure.

Without meaningful, substantial, respectful pension reform our $100 billion+ unfunded liability will continue to place massive and unsustainable pressure on Illinois taxpayers. Pensions need to be fair to both the pensioner and the taxpayer. The solution to the pension crisis is not to just simply pass it on to the taxpayer.
